Best pre workout snacks

Best pre workout snacks: If you want to perform well in the gym, you must eat pre-workout snacks. Our food is our fuel, and the correct pre-workout snack can make a difference in our motivation to accomplish something.

best pre workout snacks

Our bodies use calories to generate energy, which fuels whatever movements we put them through. Depending on your size, an hour-long weight-lifting session could burn up to 500 calories. Needless to say, including a pre-workout snack in your diet will help you maintain your energy levels during your workout.

The body breaks down various macronutrients in different ways and at different rates. So, what you want to eat to optimise your workout will vary based on what you’re doing for exercise, how long you’re spending in the gym, and how much time you have to digest beforehand. Furthermore, you’ll want to pick something that is easy on the stomach—no one wants to feel sick or bloated when working out.

You probably didn’t realise how much science is behind your pre-workout snack. But don’t worry—finding an efficient go-to option isn’t tough. Here’s how to improve your pre-workout snacking.

What should I eat before exercising?

It all comes down to balance. Your pre-workout snack should include a good balance of carbs, fat, and protein. This is why:

  • Carbs. All carbohydrates degrade into glucose, a chemical that your body can use for energy. And having some on hand as a pre-workout snack may help you feel more energised or perform better. Whole-grain crackers, half a sweet potato, yoghurt, fruits, bananas, or whole-grain toast are all appropriate pre-workout carb choices.
  • Protein. Protein is the building block of muscles. Protein is derived from amino acids, and your body uses amino acids to synthesise new proteins (for example, muscular tissue).Protein can also help you feel fuller longer because it takes your body longer to digest than carbohydrates. Greek yoghurt, protein powder, roasted chickpeas, egg whites, nuts and seeds, butter, or grilled chicken are all good protein options. But eat in moderation.
  • Fat. If you are following a ketogenic diet, your body has the ability to convert fat from your diet into ketones, which will allow you to skip the carbohydrate intake before your workout. Avocado, egg yolks, nuts and seeds, butter, and full-fat dairy (such as yoghurt or cottage cheese) are all good sources of fat.

Best pre workout snacks

1. High-protein oatmeal

best pre workout snacks

Oatmeal is a typical morning snack, but if you don’t want to clean up a pot before going to the gym, try this one as an afternoon snack. The recipe feeds two, but we recommend dividing it into three portions and storing the remainder in the refrigerator for smaller snack-size meals.

2. Fresh fruit

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  • Consider fresh fruit if you need pre-exercise energy immediately. Apples, bananas, and oranges are easy to carry with you or place in your workout bag. They’re easy-to-digest, energising carbohydrates.
  • While pre-exercise nourishment is essential, don’t forget to refuel afterward. A well-balanced post-workout snack can supply the nutrition that tired, overworked muscles require to replenish, heal, and repair.

3. Dates

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  • Dates are high in natural sugars, making them easy to digest and providing immediate energy for an endurance workout. If you find yourself in need of a snack immediately before your workout, you can grab one or two dates.
  • Dates are rich in antioxidants, which are organic compounds that lessen the effects of free radicals (unstable atoms) on cells. Antioxidants can “help to fight off disease states in the body” and “reduce inflammation.”

4. Bananas

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  • Bananas are high in natural sugars, complex carbs, and potassium. Because potassium is only stored for a limited period of time in the body, try eating a banana 30 minutes to an hour before your workout.
  • Eating a banana as a pre-workout snack is an excellent way to bring back glycogen stores and raise blood sugar levels. Add some peanut butter for an extra protein boost.

5. eggs

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  • If you’re serious about your gastronomic health, you can’t go a day without eating eggs in some way. Although eggs include some fat, omelettes made with entire eggs or only egg whites are high in muscle-building protein and amino acids.
  • To minimise muscle catabolism and encourage muscular growth, take omelettes 2-3 hours before a workout. For added nutrients, add some greens, such as spinach or kale, to make the most of this meal.

6. Nuts

  • “The body uses fat as fuel when doing lower-impact exercises like yoga or aerobics.” Eat a handful of walnuts or almonds before workouts to satisfy your hunger while also keeping you energetic.
  • A tiny handful can provide filling protein, fibre, unsaturated fats, and essential vitamins and minerals to your diet. Nuts have been linked to numerous significant health advantages.
  • Nuts contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which may help prevent plaque building in the arteries, in addition to “good” fats that may lower your LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • In a 2023 review, researchers discovered that eating more nuts was associated with a 24% decrease in the risk of heart disease.

7. Protein shake

  •  If you’re in a hurry and on the run, a quick protein shake can fix your pre-workout issues. You may add supplements like BCAAs to truly enhance the flavour of a high-quality shake, which will already be filled with nutrients.
  • You can acquire all the pre-workout nutrition you need in a matter of minutes by ingesting a shake with a good source of fast-releasing protein, such as whey protein, and simple carbohydrates. To enhance your gains, drink a smoothie around an hour before your workout.

8. Caffeine

  • A number of benefits associated with caffeine include the enhancement of performance, the enhancement of strength and power, the reduction of fatigue, and the acceleration of fat burning.
  • Caffeine can be found in beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks, as well as in vitamins and pills that are taken before working out.
  • It does not make much of a difference how you consume it because the effects on performance are typically the same regardless of the method.
  • The optimal time for caffeine to produce its effects is sixty minutes after consumption.

9. Smoothies with fruits

  •  Fruit smoothies are delicious and healthy. Smoothies contain a variety of micronutrients that are helpful to health and well-being, but they are also high in sugars, particularly fructose.
  • As a result, smoothies are frequently heavy in calories, and what are commonly mistaken for drinks are actually meal replacements.
  • On the other hand, fruit smoothies provide you with a significant supply of glucose that is absorbed quickly. If you want to get the most out of your pre-workout smoothie, you need to add some protein powder to it. Try these smoothie ideas.

10. A glass of non fat milk and whole-grain snacks

  • In terms of energy, carbohydrates are the most preferred source for your muscles. The issue is that physical activity has the potential to quickly decrease the carbohydrate stores in the muscles, which can lead to fatigue.
  • It should come as no surprise that athletes prefer to refuel their carbohydrate reserves before participating in a competition. Carbohydrate consumption of two to three grammes per pound of body weight is a good daily goal for individuals who engage in moderate to average levels of physical activity.
  •  Whole-grain snacks and a cup of non-fat milk provide carbohydrates and fat for continuous energy. You’ll also get water and sodium to help restore the levels of this electrolyte lost through sweat.

Eat a snack rather than a meal.

  • It is essential to keep in mind that you are not eating a meal if you are having a snack. When eating before exercising, it is best to aim for a quantity that is the size of a fist rather than a portion that is the size of a plate. This will help reduce gastric distress.
  • It is recommended that you consume a shake at least one hour before your scheduled workout. This will allow the food to leave the stomach and for all of the blood to be directed to the muscles that are working rather than the digestive process.


Even though it is important to look for pre-workout foods that will help you accomplish your high-strength training goals, you must also dedicate some of your time to the healthy recovery of your muscles. Consultation with a licenced dietician is an excellent choice  If you are unable to prepare nutritious meals and snacks before your workout, pre-packaged meal delivery kits are an excellent method for maintaining your energy levels. Be sure to include a healthy balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in your diet. In addition, while you are getting ready for your workout, make sure to drink a couple of glasses of water.

(FAQ) Frequently asked questions:

Is it okay to eat something before working out?

It depends. You don’t really need one unless you’re going to be working out for at least 60 minutes. But the choice is entirely yours! If you’re hungry, it could be a good idea to eat something before working out.

What is the best food to consume before working out?

That depends on your training objectives. If you want to grow muscle, take a high-protein snack before (or after) your workout, but if you want to fuel yourself for a lengthy endurance workout, eat a carb-rich food.

What should I eat for 30 minutes before exercising?

Something light and tiny with a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs. A handful of almonds or a  protein shake are both excellent options.

Is it safe to exercise on an empty stomach?

Yes, if you’re not really hungry or working out for an extended period of time. While fasted exercise may not help you burn more body fat than exercising after eating, working out on an empty stomach is acceptable.



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